Deliverable 2 Completed

The ZeroWasteLIFE project is moving forward with the completion of Work Package 2 (WP2) activities. WP2 defines the way we want to produce composite parts and the way all involved partners will interact together. The work package is split in three tasks, each led by a different partner.

The first task is a Conceptual Design Process, through which we identified the operations and manufacturing steps from the starting 3D CAD file to the finished product, the type of materials that will be used and the baseline products we want to obtain. The ultimate objective is to produce two demonstrators: an automotive and an aerospace part.

In the second task actual materials for each part were selected, taking into account not only a higher sustainability, but also good mechanical performances and aesthetic quality. Both autoclave and out of autoclave processes baseline materials were defined.

Finally, with the third task, processing chains, set of operations and relevant interconnections were defined, integrating the TFP (Tailored Fiber Placement) process in the composite manufacture, both for autoclave and out of autoclave processes.

The result is a document which fully describes the way all partners want to interact to produce the two demonstrators and represents the baseline for all future production, which will be reviewed soon.

The next steps are the design and selection of the final demonstrator parts, which is being addressed right now, then the project will enter the first production tests phase, so stay tuned for further updates and subscribe to our ZWL newsletter.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) under grant agreement N°101114149. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.